
Name of the association

Artical 1 – name of the association: “Association of Syrian businessmen”. The abbreviated name is ” suryad “،
It is allowed to open its branches by a decision of the General Authority

Headquarters of the association

Article 2 – the headquarters of the association is in Istanbul. The association is allowed to open branches and representative offices inside and outside Turkey.

The purpose of the Association, the scope and forms of works to achieve this goal
Article 3 – The Syrian businessmen Association was established with the aim of bringing together businessmen, industrialists, investors and other entrepreneurs engaged in economic activity، To provide the best possible service to the members of the association, their families and the community، Increase economic cooperation and development between Syria and Turkey and encourage investments between the two countries. The association also aims to strengthen ties between Syrian businessmen outside Turkey and Arab businessmen and encourage them to interact with the Turkish economy، In addition to encouraging the investments of Syrian businessmen in the economies of other countries outside Turkey.

Scope and forms of actions to achieve goals:

  1. Conduct research to activate and develop activities.
  2. Organizing educational and training activities such as courses, seminars, conferences, lectures.
  3. Providing the necessary information, documents and documents in different languages to achieve the goals، Creation of a Documentation Center، Issuing publications such as newspapers, magazines, books and flyers to promote the work of the association، And the production of documentary films.
  4. Providing a healthy working environment and securing technical devices, office supplies and equipment.
  5. Carry out fundraising activities and accept donations from home and abroad, provided that the necessary permits are obtained.
  6. Securing the income necessary to achieve the objectives of the system through the establishment and management of economic, commercial and industrial enterprises.
  7. Opening local headquarters, establishing social and cultural facilities and furnishing them for the benefit of members and exploiting their free time.
  8. Organize social, cultural and recreational events such as meetings, concerts, art and sports performances, excursions to strengthen human relations between members and ensure that its members benefit from these activities.
  9. Purchase, sale, lease and lease of movable and immovable assets necessary for the activities of the association.
  10. Establishment of endowments or joining a consortium of institutions located at home and abroad، And the establishment of facilities that the association under the license can establish if necessary to achieve the goals.
  11. Participation in international and local activities، Join and cooperate with organizations or associations located abroad.
  12. Implementation of joint projects in areas related to the powers of public authorities، While complying with the provisions of the law on associations and other institutions No. 5072.
  13. Establish a fund to meet the needs of members for necessary goods such as food and drink and provide them with short-and medium-term loans.
  14. Create websites, e-shops and applications that suit the objectives of the association and promote the products of members.
  15. Opening branches and representative offices in places that the association deems necessary، And the formation of platforms to achieve common goals with other associations or civil institutions such as associations, charities and trade unions in related fields that are not legally prohibited.
  16. Make the necessary efforts to resolve disputes between members amicably.

Founders of the association

Article 4 –The names and surnames of the founding members of the association, their place and date of birth, professions, nationalities and addresses were determined as follows: (Attached)

/ Name and surname | national ID / profession | nationality | address |

The right to join the association and membership procedures

Article 5 – Every legally competent person who accepts the principles and objectives of the association and agrees to work in this context and complies with the conditions specified in the legislation has the right to join the association either in a personal capacity or in a legal capacity. Persons wishing to join the association must be partners or representatives in commercial or industrial companies or companies that provide or represent such services، And that they have the right to reside in Turkey. Note that these conditions do not apply to honorary membership.

In addition, the following conditions must be met for people applying to join the association:

  • They must be of Syrian origin, either have Turkish citizenship or have the right to reside in Turkey.
  • Be the owners of companies in the sectors of industry, agriculture, services, tourism, banking and similar areas of trade، Or be directors or representatives of such companies.

The application for membership is submitted to the presidency of the association in writing with a letter of application signed by two of the founding members or one of the members of the association who has a membership of more than a year، A decision to accept membership or reject the application is made by the board of directors within thirty days from the date of submission of the application and the applicant for membership is notified of the decision in writing. Membership is not imposed or forced to remain in membership on individuals. Members whose applications have been accepted are registered in the special register for this.

The main members of the association are the founders of the association as well as the persons who have been accepted to join based on the approval of the board of directors
Personalities who have provided important material or moral support to the association can be accepted as honorary members in accordance with a decision of the board of directors.

Membership fees

Article 6 – The annual membership fee is 1200 TL، This amount can be re-determined by a decision of the board of directors.

Withdrawal from membership

Article 7 – Each member has the right to withdraw from the association provided that the association is informed in writing. Withdrawal is considered effective immediately upon receipt of the letter of resignation to the board of directors، Withdrawal does not exempt the member from any accrued dues towards the association.

Exclusion from membership

Article 8 –Cases of exclusion from membership of the association:

  1. Conduct conduct contrary to the rules of procedure of the association.
  2. Constant evasion of commitment to assigned tasks.
  3. عدم دفع رسوم العضوية خلال ستة أشهر من تاريخ الإنذار الكتابي.
  4. Non-compliance with the decisions of the bodies of the assembly.
  5. Loss of membership conditions.

If any of the above cases are available، The member to whom one of these conditions is proved to apply shall be removed by a decision of the board of directors and his record shall be deleted from the members ‘ book، They are not entitled to claim any rights from the property of the association.

Association bodies

Article 9 – The bodies of the association shall be as follows:

  1. The public body.
  2. The board of directors.
  3. The audit board.

Public body

Article 10 – The general body is the highest decision-making body of the assembly، It consists of the members of the association registered at the headquarters of the General Assembly and the heads of branches who carried out their general assemblies in a timely manner، In addition to one primary delegate for every 100 members of the general bodies of the branches. The members of the bodies of the general body and branches are selected from among the members registered at the General Headquarters and branches, respectively.

Public body:

  1. The general body is held at the time specified in this regulation habitually.
  2. The General Assembly meets in an extraordinary manner when necessary، It is also estimated by the board of directors, the audit board or at the written request of one fifth of the members of the association within thirty days.

The Ordinary General Assembly is held every two years، During the month of July، On the day, place and time determined by the board of directors.
The general body is called by the board of directors. If the board of directors does not request the General Assembly meeting، Any of the members can submit an application to the Magistrate Court judge, who assigns three of the members with the procedure for convocation of the general body meeting.

Advocacy procedures:

The board of Directors shall prepare a list of members eligible to attend the meeting of the general body in accordance with the rules of procedure of the association. Members who are eligible to attend in the general body are informed at least fifteen days before the date of the meeting، The date, place and time of the meeting and the agenda are announced in at least one newspaper or on the website of the association، Or by letter to the email address or contact number approved by the member، Or using local media، The notice also includes that in case the necessary quorum for holding the first meeting is not achieved، It includes the place and time of the second meeting، And the interval between the first and second meeting should be at least seven days and not exceed sixty.

If the meeting of the general body is postponed for reasons other than not achieving the necessary quorum، The reasons that led to this should be stated with an announcement of a second meeting in the same way as the first one. The second meeting must be held no later than six months from the date of postponement of the first meeting، Members are summoned to participate in the second meeting in accordance with the conditions stipulated in the first paragraph of this article.

The meeting of the general body can be postponed no more than once.

Meeting procedures:

The General Assembly is held in the presence of members eligible to participate and is considered effective in the presence of the majority، The approval of two-thirds of the members is required in case of changing the rules of procedure or dissolving the Assembly; in case of postponement of the meeting due to the failure to achieve a majority، Do not require a majority at the second meeting، But the number of members present at this meeting should be at least twice as many as the members of the board of directors and the audit board.

A list of names of members eligible to participate in the meeting is drawn up and placed at the meeting place. The identity of the members entering the meeting place is checked by the members of the board of directors or the persons entrusted with this، Members shall prove their attendance by signing the list.

Once a quorum has been achieved، This is announced in the minutes of the meeting، The meeting is opened by the chairman of the board of directors or one of the authorized members of the board. In case of failure to achieve a quorum، The organization of minutes in this regard shall be prepared by the board of directors.

After the opening، The chairman of the board and a sufficient number of vice-chairmen and the clerk of the meeting are elected to form the board of the meeting.

During the voting on the selection of the bodies of the assembly، Members who participate in the voting must show their IDs to the members of the Diwan and sign the attendance list provided for this
The chairman of the meeting shall preside over the meeting and ensure its security.

At the General Assembly meeting، Only the topics on the agenda are discussed. However، The topics requested by ten percent of the members present are guaranteed to be included in writing and added to the minutes of the meeting

Each member of the public body has the right to vote، The member must exercise his right to vote in person. Honorary members are not entitled to vote in the public body، But they have the right to participate in it.
In the case of membership of a moral person، It must be represented by the chairman of its board of directors or whoever is authorized to do so.
The topics discussed and the decisions taken at the meeting shall be recorded in a minutes signed by the chairman of the meeting Bureau and the clerk of the session together. The minutes and other documents are handed over to the chairman of the board of directors at the end of the meeting، The chairman of the board of directors is responsible for keeping these documents and handing them over to the new board of directors within seven days.

The right to vote and make a decision in the general body:

Article 11 – In the public body، If a different decision is not made، Voting is conducted in public. In the public vote، Applies the method determined by the head of the public body.

In case of a desire for a secret ballot، The sealed papers or ballot papers are placed in an empty container after it is filled by the members، After the end of the voting process، The counting of votes is carried out openly to determine the results.

Decisions of the general body are made by a majority vote of the members participating in the meeting. Decisions to amend the rules of procedure and dissolve the assembly are taken only by a two-thirds majority vote of the members participating in the meeting.

Decisions taken without a meeting or invitation:

A decision taken by written consent of all members without their assembly is considered، Which is taken without complying with the invitation procedures stipulated in the rules of procedure is valid and in force. However، This type of decision does not replace the meeting of the general body.

Tasks and powers of the public authority:

Article 12 – The tasks and powers of the public body listed below include:

  1. Election of members of the bodies of the association.
  2. Amendment of the rules of procedure of the association.
  3. Discussion of the reports of the board of directors and the audit board، And discharge the board of directors.
  4. Discuss and approve the general budget prepared by the board of directors in its current or amended form.
  5. Redefine the annual revenue of members and subscription fees.
  6. Monitor the performance of the other bodies of the association and if there are valid reasons, they can dismiss them if necessary.
  7. Review the objections submitted against the decisions of the board of Directors regarding the rejection or termination of membership and make a decision on them.
  8. To grant the general body the authority to purchase the real property necessary for the association or to sell the existing real property.
  9. Organization of the regulation to be prepared by the board of directors on their actions
  10. Determining the wages, bonuses, allowances and expenses granted to the chairman and members of the board of directors and the Audit Council who are not working in the public sector، Determine the daily allowances and expenses that are granted to the members of the association assigned to serve.
  11. The decision to join the Federation of associations or withdraw from it.
  12. Authorize the board of directors to open branches of the association and carry out transactions related to the opening procedures for the branches to be opened.
  13. The decision to join or withdraw from participation in international activity, international associations and institutions.
  14. Establishment of a charitable foundation affiliated to the association.
  15. Dissolution of the association.
  16. Review and decide on other proposals submitted by the board of directors.
  17. Addressing issues and using powers that have not been assigned to any other body in the assembly.
  18. Perform other tasks prescribed by laws and which must be performed by the public body.

Composition, tasks and powers of the board of directors:

Article 13 – The board of Directors is elected by the general body with a total of 7 primary and 5 reserve members.

Appointment of the board of directors to distribute tasks at the first meeting after the elections، Where the head is determined، Vice president، Secretary، The treasurer and other members.

The board of directors can be called to convene at any time after notifying all members، It meets when more than half of its members are present. Decisions are made by a majority vote of the members present. In the event of a vacancy in the basic membership of the board of directors as a result of resignation or other reasons، Reserve members are called based on the votes received in the general body in the order of votes.

Functions and powers of the board of directors:

The board of directors undertakes the following matters.

  1. Represent the association or grant one of its members or another person the authority to represent.
  2. Conducting operations related to income and expense accounts, preparing the general budget and submitting it to the public authority.
  3. Prepare regulations related to the activities of the association and submit them for approval to the general body.
  4. Purchase of real estate with the authorization of the public authority، In addition to the sale of fixed and current assets of the association، Construction of buildings and facilities، And rental of real estate.
  5. Implementation of procedures related to the opening of branches authorized by the public authority.
  6. Ensure control of the branches belonging to the association.
  7. Establish the association’s representative offices in the places it deems necessary.
  8. Implementation of decisions approved by the public body.
  9. Preparing a commercial account statement or a report on the annual accounts, the general budget and the performance reports of the board of directors each year، And present them at the meeting of the general body when it is held.
  10. Ensure the implementation of the general budget.
  11. Make decisions regarding the admission of members or their exclusion from the association.
  12. Take and implement any decisions related to the achievement of the objectives of the association.
  13. Perform any other tasks or use the powers vested in accordance with applicable legislation.

Formation, tasks and powers of the Audit Council

Article 14 – The audit board is selected by the general body to consist of three primary and three reserve members.

In the event of a vacancy in the membership of the basic audit council due to resignation or other reasons، One of the Reserve members should be called in accordance with the order of the votes obtained by the general body.

Tasks and powers of the audit board

The audit board monitors whether the Association carries out its activities in accordance with its objectives stated in the by-laws, which it aims to achieve، It examines the compliance of records and accounts with the laws and internal regulations of the association. He also conducts audits regularly and for periods not exceeding one year and submits the audit results in a report to be submitted to the board of directors and presented to the general body at its meeting.

The Audit Council also invites the general body to meet when necessary.

The audit board is responsible for conducting research and investigations related to irregular actions attributed to core members and branch members، It evaluates them in accordance with the laws and Bylaws of the association.

Assembly revenues

Article 15 – The sources of income of the association are determined as follows:

  1. Member subscription: A one-time subscription fee of TL 1,200 is collected from members، In addition to 100 TL per month. The board of Directors has the right to increase or decrease these fees.
  2. Donations and contributions made by individuals and law firms on their own initiative.
  3. Resources of funds established by the board of directors and branch boards.
  4. Income from publications issued by the association، Competitions, organized conferences, excursions, exhibitions، And other activities.
  5. The revenue generated from the assets owned by the association.
  6. Donations and assistance collected in accordance with the provisions of the legislation on fundraising.
  7. The profits that the association makes from the commercial activities that it carries out to secure the income necessary to achieve its objectives.
  8. Other income.

The books of the association that need to be kept, the bases and procedures for maintaining them
Article16 – The foundations of bookkeeping:

The books of the association are maintained in accordance with the bases of the commercial account. However، In the event that the annual gross income of the association exceeds the limit specified in Article 30 of the association regulations، Records are kept based on the general budget basis as of the next accounting period.

In the event of a transition to the foundations of the general budget، Return to the principles of trade calculation is possible from the following year if the value falls below the stated limit for two consecutive times.

Records can be kept on the basis of the general budget without adhering to the above limit by a decision of the board of directors.
Bookkeeping procedures

The association’s books and records are kept in accordance with the bases and methods of preservation specified in the association’s bylaws.

Books required for preservation

The Society maintains the following records as listed below:
The Society maintains the following records as listed below:

  1. Book of decisions: The decisions of the board of Directors shall be noted in this book with a date and serial number and the decisions shall be signed by the members who attended the meeting.
  2. Membership book: The identity information of the persons joining the association is recorded in this logbook، In addition to the dates of Accession and withdrawal. Annual subscription amounts and joining fees can also be recorded.
  3. Book of documents: In this notebook, incoming and outgoing documents are recorded with their date and serial number. Incoming documents and copies of outgoing documents are classified. Documents received or sent by e-mail are saved by printing a copy of them.
  4. Trade account book: The income and expenses obtained and carried out on behalf of the association shall be clearly and regularly recorded in this register.
  5. Receipt receipt book: The series and serial number of receipt receipts are recorded in this notebook، As well as the name and surname of the persons who received or returned the receipts, the dates of their receipt and return.
  6. Property book: The date and type of acquisition of the property belonging to the association shall be recorded in this book، In addition to the places where they were used or delivered and record the removal of items that have expired.

The receipt book and the property book do not need to be maintained.

B) the books and bases that must be adhered to when Keeping general budget records are as follows:

  1. The books mentioned in Paragraph (A) of Item 1, 2 and 3 are kept in the books that you must keep on the basis of the general budget.
  2. The Journal and the big notebook: The method and form of registration of these books are prepared in accordance with the provisions of the Tax Procedure Code and the general instructions for applying the accounting system issued under the powers of the Ministry of Finance accordingly.

Book certification

The books to be kept in the association (except for the Big Book) must be certified before they begin to be used in the administration of the association in front of the Directorate of associations in the governorate or in front of a notary (notary). Such notebooks are used until the pages are exhausted، Temporary books are not certified. However، The certification of the journal kept on the basis of the general budget must be renewed in the last month before the start of its use in the year in which it will be used.

Preparation of the revenue table and the general budget

At the end of each year (December 31) in case of retention of registration on the basis of the trading account، The “trading account schedule” is drawn up as specified in Annex No. 16 of the regulation on associations. In the case of keeping books on the basis of the general budget، The budget is prepared at the end of each year (December 31) in accordance with the general instructions for the application of the accounting system published by the Ministry of Finance.

Income and expenses of the association:

Article 17 – The revenue of the association is collected through the “receipt receipt”, the form of which is provided in Annex 17 in accordance with the regulation on associations. In the event that the association’s revenues are collected through banks، The bank involved in the collection is responsible for providing documents such as receipts or bank statements instead of a receipt.

As for the expenses of the assembly، They consist of exchange documents such as invoices, receipts from retail stores and similar receipts from self-employed persons. However، The “exchange receipt” is used in accordance with the provisions of the Tax Procedure Code for payments covered by Article 94 of the income tax code، And the “exchange receipt” or “bank receipt” is used for payments that do not follow this range.

The provision of in-kind aid from the association to individuals or institutions is carried out through the “in-kind aid delivery document” located in Annex 14 in accordance with the association regulations. As for the delivery of in-kind aid from individuals or institutions to the association، It is carried out by means of the “receipt of receipt of in-kind Aid” located in Annex 15 in accordance with the association regulations.

These documents are printed according to the format and specifications described in annexes 13, 14, and 15، In addition, they must have serial numbers and be composed of 50 original sheets and 50 associated pages that are pre-stamped، Or they can be printed in a typical or continuous format via electronic systems and typewriters.

Receipt receipts

The “receipts” that will be used to collect the association’s revenues will be printed by a decision of the board of directors according to the form and specifications described in Annex 17 in accordance with the associations ‘ bylaws، It is printed in the printing house.

In accordance with the provisions of the association regulation on the use of receipts and the delivery of collected revenues. The procedure for printing and confirming receipts is carried out، And received from the printing house، And recorded in the notebook، And follow-up delivery and receipt between the old and new Secretary، Receipt of revenue by receipts by authorized person(s)

Authorization license

Determines the persons who will collect revenue on behalf of the association، By a decision of the board of directors to determine the validity period، Except for the main board members. An “authorization license” is prepared, which contains the identity of the person, his signature, and his photo، Described in annex 19 in accordance with the regulation of associations، In the form of two copies it is signed by the chairman of the board of directors. Key board members can collect revenue without authorization license.

The validity period of the authorization license is determined by the board of directors، It is for a maximum of one year. Authorization licenses that have expired shall be renewed in accordance with the first paragraph.
Authorization licenses must be handed over to the board of Directors of the association within one week in case the authorization license expires or the person concerned leaves the job or is dismissed، Or in case of death، In addition, the authority to collect revenue can be revoked at any time by a decision of the board of directors.

Duration of retention of income and expense documents؛

Except for notebooks، Receipts, expense documents and other documents used by the association are kept in accordance with the term established by special laws، And so for five years، While adhering to the correct order of their numbers and dates in the books in which they were recorded.

Submission of data

Article 18- The chairman of the association submits the” statement of the Association”, which relates to the results of activities, income and expenses for the previous year after approval by the board of Directors of the association، And this is within the first four months of each calendar year، To the relevant local administrative authority.

Mandatory notification

Article 19-Notifications that must be submitted to the local authority؛

Notification of the results of the General Authority

Notification of the results of the ordinary or extraordinary general body is submitted within thirty days after the meeting to the local authority، The names of the members of the boards of directors, control and other bodies elected as primary and reserve members are included (according to Appendix 3 of the association regulation).

In the event that the general body amends the rules of procedure; the minutes of the meeting shall be notified، Amended rules of procedure in old and new formats، A copy of the rules of procedure of the Association, which is signed by the majority of the members of the board of directors، Within the period specified here and with the attachment of a book to the local authority.

Notification about real estate

The local authority must be notified within thirty days from the registration of the real estate acquired by the association in the cadastre، By filling out the” notification of real property”, which is submitted in accordance with appendix 26 of the regulation on associations.

Notification of assistance received from abroad

In case of readiness to receive assistance from abroad، The association is required to notify the local authority before receiving aid by filling out a “notification of assistance received from abroad” prepared in accordance with Appendix 4 of the association regulation.

Cash assistance must be received exclusively through banks and notification requirements must be met before it is disposed of.

Notification of changes

Any change occurring at the place of residence of the association is reported to the local authority within thirty days from the date of transfer، By filling out the” notice of change of place of residence ” prepared in accordance with appendix 24 of the regulation on associations.
Also، Any changes occurring in the bodies of the association outside the General Body Meeting must be reported to the local authority within thirty days of the change taking place، By filling out the “notice of changes in the bodies of the association” prepared in accordance with appendix 25 of the regulation on associations.
Also، Any changes made to the rules of procedure of the association shall be reported within thirty days of the convening of the general body in which the rules of procedure were changed، By attaching it with the notification of the results of the public body to the local authority.

Internal control of the association

Article 20 – Internal control in the association can be carried out by the general body, the board of directors or the audit board، Independent control companies can also be commissioned to conduct censorship.
The conduct of control by the public body, the board of directors or independent control companies does not relieve the Audit Board of its obligations.
The audit of the association is carried out by the audit board at least once a year.
The public authority or the board of Directors has the right to conduct control or to entrust independent control companies to conduct control in cases it deems appropriate.

Borrowing procedures of the association

Article 21 – By a decision of the board of directors the association can، In case of need to achieve its goals and carry out its activities
Such borrowing can relate to the purchase of goods or services in installments، It is also possible to have cash amounts. However، This loan should not exceed the amounts that cannot be provided from the sources of income of the association and this loan should not lead to financial difficulties for the association.

Establishment of branches of the association

Article 22 – The association can، By decision of the general body، Open branches in places where it deems it necessary، If the General Authority has granted the authority to open branches to the board of directors at the headquarters of the General Assembly، Branches can be opened with this permission. Branches can be opened in the required cities and provinces، The association can also form federations or join federations. For this purpose، The board of directors submits to the Association an application submitted by a group of at least 15 people، The Founders ‘ Council, consisting of a group of at least three people, is entrusted to submit a notice of the establishment of branches and the necessary documents to the highest local authority at the place where the branch will be opened.

Article 23
Tasks and powers of branches :
Branches that do not have a legal personality، And enjoy its powers by its independent nature، It assumes responsibility for all debts and claims arising from its actions within the framework of the objectives and services of the association.

Branch structures and provisions that should be applied to them

Article 24 – The branch structures consist of:
A) the general body
A) the general body
C) audit board

General Organization of the branch

Article 25 –The general body of the branch consists of Registered Members of the branch. The board of directors and the audit board are elected by the general body of the branch
The board of Directors consists of 5 core members and 5 reserve members
The audit board consists of 3 core members and 3 Reserve members.

Applies the functions and powers of these bodies and other provisions related to the association mentioned in this statute، In accordance with the established legal framework، Also on the branch.
Branches must terminate their regular General Assembly meetings at least two months before the date of the General Assembly meeting at the General Headquarters.

The Ordinary General Assembly of the branches is held every two years during the month of September، And on a day and a place to be determined by the board of directors.

Branches must send a copy of the notice of the results of the public body to the local authority and the general center of the association within thirty days from the date of the meeting.

Branches are represented in the public body of the public Center by election agents and natural agents
The branch heads have the right to attend the General Authority of the public Center as natural delegates، On the basis of every 100 registered members of the branch, one delegate is selected to be an election delegate representing the branch in the general body of the General Headquarters.

The delegates who have recently been selected for the general body of the branches shall attend the General Authority of the General Headquarters.

The members of the board of directors and the Control Council of the General Headquarters participate in the General Authority of the General Headquarters، But they are not entitled to vote unless they are chosen on behalf of the branch.

Members of the board of directors or the supervisory board who hold positions on the board of directors or the Supervisory Board of the branch upon election to the board of directors or the Supervisory Board of the General Headquarters leave their duties at the branch.

Tasks and powers of the branch board of directors:

Article 26 –The tasks and powers of the branch’s Board of directors include:

1. Represent the branch and manage its business in accordance with the general business principles determined by the main board of directors and, if necessary, at the direction of the main board of directors.

2. Organization of activities between branch members.

3. Carry out the necessary activities to achieve the objectives of the association.

4. Perform actions and procedures required by legislation.

5. Perform other duties assigned by the main board of directors on behalf of the branch.

Branch audit board:

Article 27 – It consists of three primary and three reserve members elected by secret ballot in the sub-general body. The provisions of the rules of procedure of the association relating to the Audit Council shall be applied similarly to the Audit Council of the branch.

Opening representations

Article 28 – The association can، By decision of the board of directors، Open representative offices in places where it deems necessary to carry out its activities. The local authority of that place must be informed in writing about the address of the representation by the person or persons appointed as representatives by the decision of the board of directors.

Representatives cannot be represented in the public body. Branches cannot open representative offices.

Change of the rules of procedure

Article 29 –A change in the rules of procedure may be made by a decision of the general body.

The presence of voting members who make up two-thirds of the votes must be required for a change in the rules of procedure in the general body. If such a majority is not achieved at the first session and the session is postponed، No majority is required in the second session. However، The number of members participating in this meeting should not be less than twice the number of members of the board of directors and the audit board.

The adoption of a decision to change the rules of procedure requires that the majority of the votes cast from the participating members with the right to vote be two-thirds of the votes. The vote to change the rules of procedure in the public body is conducted openly.

Termination of the association and the method of liquidation of assets

Article 30 – The public body can at any time decide to terminate the association.

Two-thirds of the members having the right to vote and participating in voting must be present at the general body to discuss the issue of termination. If such a majority is not achieved at the first session and the session is postponed، No majority is required in the second session. However، The number of members participating in this meeting should not be less than twice the number of members of the board of directors and the audit board.

Making a decision to terminate requires that the majority of votes cast from participating and voting members be two-thirds of the votes. The vote on the issue of termination is conducted openly in the general body.

Liquidation procedure

When a decision to dissolve the assembly is taken by the general body، The liquidation of the funds and property of the association is carried out by the liquidation committee consisting of other members of the board of directors. These procedures start from the date of the decision of annulment or the date of the automatic termination of the association، The phrase “Syrian Association of industrialists and businessmen – under liquidation” is used in all operations related to the association during the liquidation period.

The liquidation Supervisory Authority is responsible and authorized to complete all liquidation of the funds, property and rights of the association in accordance with the law. This body initially audits the accounts of the association. During the review process، Information about the association is specified، Like notebooks، And receipt receipts، And receipts for expenses، Property and bank records، And other documents، Linking assets and liabilities in a record. Debtors are invited to the association during the liquidation process and any money is paid to them through the sale of assets if they exist.

In case of outstanding debts to the association، These debts are collected. After collection of outstanding debts and repayment of debts، All remaining funds, property and rights are transferred to the place specified by the public body. If the place required for the transfer is not specified in the public authority، It is transferred to the association in the city where the association is located and which has the largest number of members on the date of cancellation.

All liquidation-related operations are displayed in the liquidation report and the liquidation operations must be completed، Except for additional periods granted by local administration directorates for legitimate reasons، Within three months.

After the liquidation of funds and property is completed، The body supervising the liquidation must inform the local authority of the place of the association’s headquarters within a maximum of seven days with a detailed letter and attach the minutes of the liquidation. Former members of the Administrative Board are responsible for maintaining the books of the association and documents in their capacity as members of the liquidation body. A member of the board of directors can be appointed to carry out this task. The term for keeping records and documents is five years. Any relevant party has the right to ask the Justice of the peace to determine the termination of the association.

Lack of provisions

Article 31 –What is not provided for in these rules of procedure، Applies the provisions of the law on associations، The Turkish Civil Code، And the regulations of associations issued under these laws، As well as other relevant legislation on associations. This by-law consists of 31 articles.


Chairman of the board of directors


Vice chairman of the board of directors


The secretary


Financial director

gıyas enne

Placement manager

Abdalsalam Haj Ebrahem

ORfA branch manager

Mahmoud ZIDAN

Gaziantep branch manager

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